Tuesday, 18 October 2016

Hay bale tag and a skunk: Calgary

We arrived in Calgary last Wednesday afternoon and Wayne met us at the airport. Luckily he had the week off work, so we didn't have to wait at the airport all afternoon. When we got to their house we helped out with digging potatoes and Brandon helped with some carpentry stuff.

There was sushine!

Tuesday, 11 October 2016

Week one in Vancouver: A real Canadian Hockey Game!

Hockey game in Vancouver
Hello from Canada. We made it, we survived our 24+ hours in transit. And as our week ends we are just starting to feel human again. Because our time is kind of open ended we haven't run in full throttle like we normally do. On Thursday we caught the train into Vancouver and got ourselves Social Security Numbers and then spent the day there. That night we met Murray, one of our hosts, for a "real" Candian hockey game! Calgary Vs Vancouver, it was pretty good, even though I had no idea what was going on most of the time.