Sunday, 13 July 2014

Swansea bridge dive

All photos in this post are property of and thanks to Newcastle Dive Centre. Not only are the staff great but all the members of the club seem super friendly too. I would definitely recommend a dive with these guys, or joining the club like we did!

Yesterday we did a dive at the Swansea Bridge, about 20mins South of us. The bridge is over an inlet to Lake Macquarie and it is teaming with life! There was an unbelievable amount of fish down there. Every time Brandon hit me to point something out I immediately thought "shark"!
And at one stage he then couldn't see what he had wanted to point out and I was thinking "oh no oh no where's the shark gone!" It was definitely the most sea life we have seen on any dive. No shark sightings though. Unfortunately we forgot our gopro. But the dive club took a few photos so I have our first photos of us suited up! Wetsuits aren't the most slimming outfits now are they... I got a smaller tank this time too, which surprisingly made a huge difference to the weight of the gear.

I was a little bit nervous because it is the first dive we have done with a current and also the first time I had to jump into the water all kitted up. We both agree the current isn't that worrying. It's nice to have a free ride back to shore and it was not a bit deal to swim against it to get to the bridge.

It's pretty hard to put on fins all geared up ok!

It was really hard to decide what to focus on during the dive because there was so much to see. We saw a couple of puffer fish. I so wanted to poke them and see them puff up, obviously I didn't. There was also a large-ish octopus that was swimming under Brandon at one stage and quite a few flat head. I was pretty darn cold by the end of the dive and my ears gave me trouble again with equalising. I had less trouble than I have had in the past but I'm pretty sure I have bruised my ear drums a little. I have a few things I will try when we next dive and if that still doesn't help it will be off to the dive doctor to find out if it's my deviated septum causing issues. And that will mean an operation.

That's all for now folks!

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