Well it has been ages since I have written anything, mostly because the laptop screen died and we had to wait ages to get it posted to us (it also cost a bit more than we were really happy with)... So, to start where we left off, our last stop before crossing the border to the USA was Waterton National Park.
On our first day we did the very easy and almost flat walk to Wall Lake. A hike that actually starts in Alberta and crosses back over to BC. The lake was pretty cool, but not super spectacular.
The bugs were horrendous, especially near the campgrounds on the hike. We also spotted a small black bear hanging around the campgrounds on the way back. We did a side hike to a nice little waterfall before rushing back to the car before the bugs carried us away.
After an average lunch in town (wouldn't really recommend waffleton), we drove to Red Rock canyon and splashed around a bit, as well as walked to the nearby falls. They have build very fancy viewing platforms around the falls and that kind of ruins the views, so we didn't take photos.
The next day we hit the hills again and did the Lineham Creek hike. It was a moderate climb to a pretty cool set of falls, and there were tonnes of wildflowers surrounding the path. So that made it a really nice walk to the falls.
On the way down, the storm clouds rolled in and we soon found ourselves rushing to put our rain covers on our packs and our rain jackets on ourselves. The rain soon turned to small hail stones and we sought shelter under some trees, hoping they hail might stop. After 10 minutes of waiting, we decided to risk it, and began our run down the muddy trail with lightning striking occasionally. At least it made for an interesting hike!
When we reached the bottom the rain had all but stopped, and we toweled off and drove back in just out camp towels. Luckily we didn't have to stop anywhere!
Where the prairies meet the mountains at the edge of the national park. |
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