Saturday, 4 February 2017

Fat biking in Fernie: Montane Loop

Yesterday we borrowed some fat tire bikes from my new work and headed for the hills. We were probably a bit ambitious choosing an 8km circuit straight up, when we haven't done cardio in months. But we survived! We did get off and walk the bikes up a few hills, and over a few icy bridges. It was fun, and lots of hard work!

Finally made it to the downhill part!
We took a track that leads to a little hut on the hill that overlooks Fernie. It took us about two and a half hours to do the full loop. Which I think is pretty slow, but I kind of kept falling off the bike. You see the centre of all the tracks is hard packed and super easy to ride on, but as soon as you veer to one side you hit soft snow that causes you to almost stop. I couldn't reach the ground from the bike seat. But, even if you could, your foot would have just fell through the soft snow and you fall straight over quite comically. Some parts of the track were quite wide and groomed, and those were super fun to ride on.

The chair near the hut, and a little fire pit.
At about the halfway point, where you turn back the way you came, you reach a little hut on the hill. We stopped for a snack, I found the port-a-loo to be the most disgusting one I'd even seen, and we kept going before we got too cold. 

Awesome views on the ride.
We had awesome blue skies. Which is one of the reasons we opted for a bike ride instead of skiing. It has been sooooo long since it snowed and the ski hill is so hard and icy. I'm sure some people would be fine, but I think I gave myself whiplash last week from falling on the ice a few times. We should be in for some fresh snow this weekend, so here's hoping!

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